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I'll race you. Pinky promise.

17 nov 2010

Uno de los faciles.

Ahora mismo he terminado un ensayo con estilo ''Clasificacion''. Corto y preciso, asi fueron las especificaciones. Me habia dado cuenta de que no habia publicado algo tan extenso en el otro idioma, asi que he decidido hacer algo al respecto.

Damos y Caballeras: mi lavia en Ingles.

The Same Language

But Not The Same Accent

As history and human evolution has been developing through time, cultures and different kinds of language had been included in this process creating what it can be identifiable as diversity. Taking languages as an example, there is a broad variety of Spanish accents but in general, is the same language. The facts that can lead to these changes of words and accents are made by influence of region, ancient culture and external influence of nearby countries. The most identifiable Spanish accents that exist in Latin America are the Argentinean accent, the Mexican accent and the Colombian accent. These varieties are the easiest identifiable for several details.

Beginning with the Argentinean accent, we have to start with the strong Italian immigration that happened during the Second World War. Besides the Spanish Colonization which marked the language of the region, the imposed foreign language mixed some words and terminology from the languages that the native aborigines had, and created some sounds and new words that were understand by both general groups of habitants. The Argentinean accent is commonly known for the use of ‘vos’ instead of the ‘tu’, that is the common and correct way to say ‘you’ in Spanish.

The Mexican accent is more influenced by the Náhualt language and the Aztec language in its Spanish tunes and words. As Mexico is one of the biggest countries in Latin America, each one of the multiple regions in the country has a different accent. Also it had happened that a Mexican from the south of the country can’t understand the accent and therefore, the Spanish style of speaking of an north Mexican settler. One characteristic of the ‘general’ Mexican accent is the use of the word ‘mande’ to express the act of paying attention to someone.

Furthermore, the Colombian accent, especially from the region of Cundinamarca –where the main capital Bogotá is settled- is well known because it is the purest form of Spanish in Latin America, often rivaled with the Spanish that is spoken in Spain. Colombia is the country with less ‘specific’ accent in the whole continent, but at the same time its lack of cut words makes it more elegant and therefore, more identifiable.

In conclusion, as most of the majority of languages that colonized regions in the New World back in the 1400’s and 1500’s, Spanish as well English, French and Portuguese had being alternated with lots of shortcuts of their original pronunciation. Somehow, through time these changes had form part of each country’s pride of being different from its colonizing country. The Spanish language is the third most spoken worldwide, behind Mandarin Chinese and English. No matter the accents and the shortcuts that are used in every language, each version is beautiful.


Me han dado el link de una pagina para publicarlo y asi evitar plagio. Ya saben, una de esas paginas detectivescas que usan los profesores para ver quien se faja y quien no.

Orgullosos Cheers.

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