
Mi foto
I'll race you. Pinky promise.

4 feb 2009

Eternal Woman

Esta fue una tarea donde se tenia que describir en un parrafo, a una persona o a un amigo. No se si fue que clase tenia la ''mamirrubina'' baja en ese momento, pero resulto que todos escribieron sobre su mommy. Me dicen que en lo que leia, parecia que la profesora queria dar saltitos de felicidad. Me gustaria pensar que era que le picaba el c..... (XD) porque la verdad no lo encuentro gran cosa. El parrafo. No la persona. jum..

''Eternal Woman''

It's six in the morning and the clock's alarm starts. She wakes up, goes to the bathroom, get's a shower and after this whole human process, the transformation begins. In my opinion every woman has a shield. But some women instead of a shield, have a sword: the cold mind, that determinate but peaceful expression on her face, the makeup that expresses her authority, the red lipstick, the black mascara on her lashes with the black eyeliner that gives her brown eyes the power that makes all men drool. That Calvin Klein perfum that has became her signature. The diamond earrings on her ears and the style of her walk. Half attractive and half repellent. One of the last things that she does to complete herselft is a cup of coffee. Then, the garage door opens giving the view of a stunning black A4 Audi. On her way to work it's obligatory to hear Bossa Nova music to start programme the agenda for the rest of the day. That's my mom.

Esa e' la vieja. Cheers!!

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