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24 jun 2009

Aunt Karent

Everyone as a child had a personal hero. Someone that you could identify yourself in your family and in my case, that ''someone'' is Aunt Karent. She's my aunt by the side of my mother and that logically means that they're sisters. But as the difference between black and white, they're totally different. This ''ying-yang'' thing happens for several reasons.

First of all she has influenced in my life with her personality. I even had adopted some of her points of view because I'm agree with them. She have this special sense of humor that can drive you nuts but at the same time you can have a blast with her company. I'm totally in love by how she is, and I'm dying to see her again.

But isn't all about her personality. Also is all about her strength. Her courage to face the things that life has gave her as a challenge -I'm kind of identified with this part- . I'm trying not to describe her as a ''superwoman''. She's not like that, but if I have to talk about someone or anyone of my family easily I can tell you that each one of them has pass trough a hell to became in what they're now.

Aunt Karent is one of my treasures. And believe me because I don't have plenty of them. She's like a little sick in the middle of a river. You can't be surprise if you just see her. But like the stick, she hangs by the soil and no one can move her from there. And for me, that's just perfect.

Ps: Este fue mi examen final de redaccion. Eran tres temas y el que elegi era sobre una persona que ha influenciado en tu vida.

Love you Kiki. You rock.


3 comentarios:

  1. Aaaaawwww

    Yo tenía un súper héroe así.

    Mi tío Nacho.

    Era genial. El tío favorito. El que nos sacaba a pasear en lancha, nos tiraba por las dunas de arena y nos enseñaba a esquiar. El tío que nos salvaba aunque tuviera que viajar horas para llegar. El tío que nos regañaba de esa forma graciosa y que decía chistes con ese humor tan "light" que tenía.

    Son de esas personas que aunque mueran... jamás dejarás de recordar.

    Un besote Pik@!
    Saludos a tu tía :p

